Is one of themain meals, known since ancient times, which does not setthe tableforalong-eaters are common inmost areas ofNorth Africa(Algeria- Morocco- Mauritania- Tunisia-Libya) andthe island ofSicily, Italyandeven inFrance, where heis the secondfavorite withthe Frencheaters.
Kg Home or couscous ready to shops Large onion One teaspoon crushed red pepper Half teaspoon Seeder One teaspoon salt Two tablespoons tomato sauce Half a kilogram of meat section or four pieces petition large thickness (Couscous whale) Tablespoon cumin thickness of any condiment thickness (Couscous whale) 5 cloves garlic Centuries Green Pepper Cup oil chickpea drenched optional Water as needed French fries, for decoration (as desired) 3 medium red cut percussion (as desired)..
How to prepare
After grindingwheat, barleyorcornbythe desire(or bywhat is available),washhands andputsome(semolina) ina wooden bowlbythe number offamily members andscrubscomfortableright hand, whilethe leftpoureda little waterfrom time to timeandthis process is calledtwirlcouscous.
After a periodturnssemolinatosmall grainsandmovementsdefthandsseparatedgrainednotstickandcontinue toprocess until youturnthe whole lotintogranules, thenpassthrough a sieveprivateindustrycouscous-sievewideholes, wasaddeda little oiluntilnoAtjnduringcooking.
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