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Couscous is a one-month dishes in the world has been created Hedda food by the ancient inhabitants of North Africa (Morocco) and is characterized by the diversity of Moroccan couscous and vegetables contain Kdlk on soft spices.
The couscous from basic meals daily in a lot of areas, but that the North African stature declined in recent decades after it went toward diversifying taste cuisine. And make couscous from semolina durum wheat or barley or sorghum, and is prepared by cooking them in a vase perforated, called Alkskas or necks, placing it above the pot boiling, so cook couscous with water vapor or steam cooking and there is more than one type of couscous and the most important:
Nutritional Information
Containing meal couscous (about 400 g), according to the website of appetite, nutritional information on the following:
Calories: 855
Fat: 35
Saturated Fat: 17
Cholesterol: 109
Carbohydrates: 96
Proteins: 37
Please note that this recipe contains zucchini, carrots and turnips.
Pots used in the preparation of couscous

How to prepare semolina couscous
And semolina couscous is prepared from grinding (barley - wheat or corn) by millstone stone especially rough.
If made from barley, semolina called Mlthot, which is the same used in the preparation of a meal (Aldshichh). When the couscous grains and coarse grains larger than normal couscous called Brkkh and cooking Albrkkh in Alkskas by steam, such as couscous normal.
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